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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Principles Above Party - Special Edition

Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council and an influential social conservative, has urged his membership to stop giving money to the Republican National Committee and place principles above party.

"I've hinted at this before, but now I am saying it: Don't give money to the RNC," Perkins will tell FRC members in the group's next e-mail newsletter.  "If you want to put money into the political process, and I encourage you to do so, give directly to candidates who you know reflect your values."

Perkins' move comes as a blow to the RNC just days after it was disclosed that the Republican National Committee paid $2,000 at a lesbian bondage club near Los Angeles to entertain contributors.  This is just the latest in a long series of financial issues involving the RNC and the Republican Party of Florida. Like former Florida Republican Chairman Jim Greer (who is now under criminal investigation) RNC Chairman Michael Steele is under internal investigation by RNC committee members and has been asked to resign. 

"This latest incident is another indication to me the RNC is completely tone-deaf to the values and concerns of a large number of people they are seeking financial support from," Perkins writes. In addition,
Mark DeMoss, a prominent Christian conservative public relations expert and large RNC donor, has announced that he had stopped giving to the RNC completely. 
Word from Washington is that upon learning of the recent RNC troubles, White House and Congressional DNC Leaders were heard singing "It beginning to look a lot like Christmas" in the Oval Office.
The Great Seal of the Florida Whig Party
Floridians you have a choice other than
Democrat or Republican, it's

The Florida Whig Party.

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