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Thursday, December 31, 2009


The 2009 Mexican Drug War

7,600 Mexicans lost their lives in 2009 due to Drug Dealing Terrorists.

6,500 Mexicans lost their lives in 2008 to Drug Dealing Terrorists.

2,575 Mexicans died in 2009 in Ciudad Juarez which lies just across the border from El Pasco, Texas

1,600 Mexicans died in 2008 in Ciudad Juarez.

A spreading cancer or a contained infection?

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The American Dream or Diaster?

Mobility versus Stability - Ownership versus Renting - All of Your Eggs in One Basket versus Diversification.

The lack of a long-range flexible housing policy that meets the needs of a mobile workforce needed to address the changing needs due to global competition is harming the long-term financial stability of the nation. Flexible multifacted income based housing near transportation and employment hubs must be discussed without the politics of the "American Dream."

Think About It

Rational Asylum

There is a war going on in Mexico. It is a war like any other war where one side seeks to control the other. The drug lords are non-political business war lords who should be called terrorists, and these terrorists are at the steps of our back door.

Along with all wars come refugees. Mexican refugees include business owners, law enforcement officers, lawyers, accountants, and journalists, all seeking political asylum in the United States. Click HERE.

Congress and the President must immediately create a comprehensive Mexican refugee relief policy for those seeking political asylum. Like the War Powers Act, the asylum laws are badly outdated.

Our nation has a long history of abandoning our valuable foreign assets when times change. President Carter and CIA Director Stansfield Turner left our spies out in the cold and at the hands of many Soviet assassination teams, President Bush (41) abandoned the Kurds in Iraq, and now, enough legitimate Mexican law enforcement officers are on the run that we must not turn a blind eye. Those who are fighting the war in Mexico because too many of our residents are low-life drug users, should not be left to die at the hands of narco-terrorist assassination teams.

There is little doubt that there is an unemployment problem in the United States and that rampant immigration will exacerbate the problem; however, the number of legitimate and honest Mexican law enforcement members seeking asylum is relatively small. With a thorough background investigation, testing, and intensive training program, we can fill an immediate homeland security need with these people. Name a better group with first-hand experience to supplement the ranks of our Border Patrol to guard and protect us from narco-terrorists coming onto our soil? Since immigrants with specific language and medical skills are able to enlist in the military as a path towards citizenship why not offer a similar path for those with needed skills and experience when it comes to protecting our border? Click HERE.

This isn’t rocket science, it’s simply good business.

Think About It

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Carter-Bush Doctrine. Now What?

The Carter Doctrine.

The Bush Doctrine.

Now What?

Will there be an Obama Doctrine and if so, will he wait until the nation sustains a massive attack in order to rally broad support and gain ground in the public opinion polls? Would another massive attack take the collective eye off nationalization of health care, the soon-to-be $15 trillion debt, and Cap and Trade? Have you found yourself finding it difficult to keep up with the overhaul of the American political, business, environment, health, and employment systems? And what would cause everyone to be distracted?

Think About It

Power, Money, Sex & Terrorism

  • Power, Money, Sex

Flight 253

  • Stock Market Performance, Securities & Exchange Commission Investigation

Pendlam 123

  • Fiction based on Reality

  • Reality based on Fiction

  • Would not be the first time