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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Good or Bad

Firearms in Vehicles - Click HERE

The Florida Whig Party wants to hear from you.  Click on the link above and read the article.  Discuss the pros and cons of gun owner rights versus property owner rights from a constitutional, legislative, and practical view. Take both sides and engage your Whig Coalitions. 

Ponder, evaluate, and just plain think about it. This should not be an easy task for anyone as this provides each of us with an example of how difficult it was for our founding American Whigs to balance competing constitutional rights. 

Use the contact form to tell us what you think.  Reply once, twice, or  more as you run the gamut of pros and cons.  As we receive your comments, those that are thoughtful and unemotional will be added to this page without attribution in order to keep the free flow of an open discussion ongoing for a couple of weeks. 

Sunday, April 25, 2010

St Pete Times Editorial

The following appeared online and in the paper edition of the St. Peterburg Times today.  The Florida Whig Party encourages everyone to copy and paste the following St. Pete Times link [Click HERE] and send the editorial to everyone on your email list. Once again, this is why the Florida Whig Party believes in Principles over Party and Personality.
So much for the party of personal freedom. The Republican Party of Florida last week reminded all its officials — from lowly precinct chairmen to elected legislators — that they would be stripped of their party standing if they voiced support or gave money to any non-Republican candidate. The real message: Don't support Gov. Charlie Crist's bid for U.S. Senate if he drops out of the Republican primary to run with no party affiliation.
Many say this is just payback politics. Former party chairman Jim Greer tried to evoke the same loyalty oath last year on Crist's behalf in an attempt to scuttle U.S. Senate candidate Marco Rubio's campaign.
But such lockstep mentality is as offensive now as it was then. Republican activists don't sign conscription papers; they have merely voiced allegiance to a party's principles. The Republican Party's tactics are heavy- handed and hypocritical from a party now ripe with scandal and under federal investigation.
There is a little something called free speech, and Floridians should be free to support any candidate they want regardless of their party affiliation. Thank goodness America still has a private voting booth so Republicans will be able to vote their conscience without fear of reprisal.
We commend the St. Pete Times for taking on the Rubio credit card scandal, the fact that Crist has been a part-time Governor, and hope we one day will be able to sit down with the St. Pete Times political reporters and editorial board for a frank and open discussion.