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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Souring on Peripatetic Hooligans

Have voters in Florida and across the nation begun to sour on the notion of peripatetic candidates and office holders? Let us hope so.

Ever-the-candidate incumbents who travel from place-to-place in the course of their government employment are wandering vagabonds, while claiming deep community sensitivity, knowledge, and respect, who appear to have one common thread: The Higher Calling.

This higher calling usually involves a higher paying position (formal or informal through contracts, grants, and endowments for their private business dealings and those of their immediate and/or extended families) in government. These rootless wanderers talk the talk the media loves to cover and ignorant voters willingly nod their head to, but all the while, the political drifters are carefully stepping on calculated stones to rise higher in the food chain of power, prestige, and money.

This roving band of “concerned citizens” cut their teeth in city councils and school boards then seek county commission or state legislative positions, followed by the regional or state-wide appointment, and then often capstone with election to Congress, where the goodies are so good that too many leave on a stretcher.

In 2010 let us call these vagabonds what they are: Hooligans. Political hooligans are self-serving and highly partisan party supporters whose destructive, cruel, and brutal behavior and measures to succeed have accomplished little if anything in the long-term for “We the People” other than upset the natural ebb and flow of supply and demand in a harmonic world if objectivism was allowed to rein.

It is said that the cream will rise to the top; however, with far too many cows in office, the cream is sour. Like the dairy product, the entrenched do-gooders are fat, fermenting, and full of deliberately induced bacteria.

The time has long since come where votes must be grounded in reality, accept that churning is necessary, that acts have consequences, and ignorance begets the election of peripatetic snake-oil hucksters and hooligans.

Think About It

Update: "The state Commission on Ethics on Friday dismissed complaints against three high-ranking elected officials over their frequent use of state airplanes, including trips involving family members and political activities.The commission said it had no choice but to dismiss the allegations because state law is too vague regarding what would be improper use of state planes.The action clears both leading candidates for governor in 2010, Attorney General Bill McCollum and Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink, as well as Lt. Gov. Jeff Kottkamp, a candidate for attorney general." Click here for the full article from the St. Petersburg Times.

Comment: Typical. Go after the low hanging fruit and let the fruit at the top do as they please. For those who want to continue this fight, these gray-zone flights may cause a tax liability issue if brought to the attention of the proper authorieis. Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4, Link 5, Link 6, Link 7, Link 8, Link 9, Link 10, Link 11, Link 12, Link 13, Link 14, Link 15, Link 16, Link 17, Link 18, Link 19, Link 20, Link 21, Link 22, Link 23, Link 24, Link 25, Link 26, Link 27, Link 28.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Wesley Mouch Award

December 2009 Winner: Tim Geithner

Government Employment

The Florida Capitol Police is a division within the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and employs 88 people. The 2009-2010 Budget reflects a mean average of $56,587 for salary and benefits. The Capitol of the State of Florida is located in Tallahassee, which is located in Leon County Florida. According to the United States Census Bureau, the per capita income for Leon County is $27,238.

On the heels of today’s economic report, let’s call it the way it is:

Government employment for rank-and-file employees
does not pay second fiddle to the private sector.

Think About It

1.1 Million Less

Recent economic data regarding jobs has many giddy that the recession is about to end. The talking heads in the media, the academic economists without real life private sector experience, and those who believe in leprechauns and magical pots of gold are not giving enough weight to the fact that the private sector employs fewer people today than it did ten years ago. From October 1999 to October 2009, the nation has 1.1 million fewer people working in the private sector.

The lack of outrage over the shortsighted-policies of the Bush and Obama Administrations are utterly amazing. Bush gave us a massive federal employer (Homeland Security) where billions upon billions were poured into numerous black holes in the name of terrorism and Obama has basically emptied the treasury.

How long will it take to recover from ten years of real job loss, to pay off a $12 trillion dollar debt (that continues to grow), to export more manufactured goods than we import, and return the nation to the status of being a world energy provider rather than dependent consumer? In one word: Decades.

If you’ve had enough, take the first step by changing your voter registration in Florida to the Florida Whig Party (FWP) and start your own Whig Coalition. If you live outside Florida, change your voter registration to Independent or No Party Affiliation and start an Affiliate Whig Coalition. Call or email us today for your FWP Coalition or Affiliate Coalition starter kit.

Think About It

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Huckabee "Leave Fox Now"

"He spent time in prison for robbery, burglary and firearms possession. He claimed to be the Messiah, threatened violence and, as his family cried, demanded they all strip. He was facing charges of rape. And yet even as Maurice Clemmons announced he had gunned down police officers in a Pierce County coffeehouse Sunday, a network of friends and family stood by him, helping him hide from a massive manhunt that had hundreds of officers scouring two counties, according to charging documents." Seattle Times Probable Cause Affidavit for Eddie Lee Davis. Probable Cause Affidavit for Douglas Edward Davis.

"If I could have known nine years ago that this guy was capable of something of this magnitude, obviously I would never have granted the commutation," Huckabee said.

Make no mistake about it, Huckabee issued an unusually high number of paroles and commutations during this time as Governor of Arkansas and now people across the nation are paying for his past decisions. Huckabee says he denied 92% of the requests he received which leads to the question: What happened with Maurice Clemmons who was a well known violent criminal? Governor Huckabee needs to walk away from Fox News and any idea of running for President or any other public office. One word: Disgusting.

Think About It

Monday, November 30, 2009

Is the Duopoly Crumbling?

"Third-party candidates rarely win elections. So what does it say about the deep blue states of Massachusetts and Rhode Island that they now have credible independents running for governor next year?" Wall Street Journal - November 27, 2009

Also see the NewsHerald.Com from Panama City, Florida.

Aubry Jack Young, Missouri Whig, presents a reasonable discussion in the Springfield News Leader.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Another One

The Florida Whig Party has voiced concern about state travel expense since January 2009; here's another story. The time has come to hire a Governor who will focus on the job on a full-time basis rather than part-time while running for higher office. Has the time come for the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Chief Financial Officer, and Attorney General to all resign from office while they pursue their individual quests for higher office? Should We the People consider legislation that that prevents another election where all of the senior elected officials in the State of Florida are AWOL?

Think About It