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Saturday, December 12, 2009


The FWP Informed, Demanded, & Charlie Did It

Governor Crist Orders Investigation Into Peterman

Will the internal investigation result in criminal prosecution?

High flying bureaucrats continue wasting tax dollars.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Treason & the Death Penalty

Should the United States Federal Government bring charges of treason against American citizens who seek to overthrow the government and/or fight American soldiers through terrorist acts linked to al Qaeda? The nation needs to consider the reasons for, against, and the ramifications of the death penalty for these five. Crime and punishment is not pretty, nor is war. These five sought to kill American soldiers; we won, they lost, and they must pay the ultimate price. The Obama Administration must send a message that if you take up arms against the nation, you will be tried and if convicted, you will receive the death penalty.

Think About It

If the death penalty was good enough for Timothy McVeigh...

Terrorist Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (left) bragged about his participation in the beheading of journalist Daniel Pearl (right) and being the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks. "I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of Daniel Pearl. There are pictures of me on the Internet holding his head." Mohammed claims he was behind thirty-one (31) attacks and plotted to destroy the United Kingdom's Big Ben, Hearthrow Airport, and the Canary Warf.

Never forget 9/11, Daniel Pearl, or the millions who defend this nation every day, here and abroad. Their deaths and injuries demand that we demand justice be carried out; it's been long enough.

If the man who murdered these four Lakewood, Washington Police Officers had been caught alive, how long should a community wait for justice to be served? The delays in bringing the terrorists to justice is harming this nation. Will President Obama have the fortitude to demand the death penalty for those who kill our citizens and public safety officers? We'll see and remember in 2012.

Who objects to a firing squad for Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan?

President Obama: The Whole World's Watching.

Boise, Idaho Arrested

If the United States Congress passed legislation that made Boise, Idaho a federal district, ordered the military to seize control of every household, and ordered the IRS to take 100% of all income from everyone in Bosie, it will take 2,014 years (over 80 generations) for Boise to pay off the national debt of $12,000000000000.00. This means that the great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandchild of a 25 year old Boise resident will be free at last.

Think About It

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Monkey D or Monkey R

Which lobbyist is the Democrat and which is the Republican?

Corporate contributions and political action committees are funding seventy (70) to ninety (90) percent of incumbent re-election campaigns for the 2010 mid-term Congressional election. Keeping the monkey business going in Washigton and the State Houses across the nation is bananas and sending We the People further into the hands of Chinese Government surfdom.

Think About It

Richard "Mouch" Shelby

Congress is set to increase the federal debt limit by $1.8 trillion dollars and Republicans immediately attacked the move as irresponsible. But a simple analysis of what is inside the pages shows the same controversial earmarks by the usual suspects. United States Senator Richard Shelby (R) of Alabama is the ranking Republican on the appropriations subcommittee. This is a great place to be for a Senator who likes to wheel and deal. Senator Shelby (R) was able to attach thirty (30) earmarks worth $61.6 million. $61.6 million is a drop in the bucket compared to $1.8 trillion, but hypocrites of a different color are still hypocrites. As such, United States Senator Richard Shelby (R) is the current recipient of the Wesley Mouch Award; if it doesn't fit, you can't convict....GUILTY.

The next time a friend says that they can't switch from Democrat or Republican to Whig because by doing so they will be aiding the opposition in the next round of elections, remember and remind your friend of Richard "The Mouch" Shelby (R). Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas...for the friends of Richard Shelby.


Florida Governor Thomas Brown (Whig)

Thomas Brown (Whig) was the second Governor of the State of Florida (1849-1853). He was the auditor of the Florida Territory in 1834, president of the legislative council in 1838, a member of the constitutional convention in 1839, and a member of the first Florida House of Representatives upon statehood in 1845. On January 6, 1853, Governor Brown signed a bill that provided public support for higher education. The East Florida Seminary of Ocala, Florida, was one of the first schools to receive funding. The Ocala school closed during the Civil War, reopened after the war, relocated to Gainesville, and today is known as the University of Florida. It can be argued that the Gators owe their presence to Whig Governor Thomas Brown. The Florida Whig Party is seeking a student or professor at the University of Florida to serve as the Coalition Leader of the UF Whigs. For more information or inquiries of interest, click here.

Governor Brown and Governor Chiles

Brown started the funding and Chiles is the last elected Governor
to attend and graduate from the University of Florida.
Strong similarities nearly 150 years apart.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


According to the Wall Street Journal: "Moody's Investors Service says the U.S. and U.K. must prove they can whittle down their ballooning deficits to avoid threats to their triple-A credit ratings. In a report released on Tuesday, Moody's set the two countries apart from other top-rated sovereign borrowers, calling them merely "resilient" rather than "resistant," a label it applied to Canada, France and Germany, where public finances are in better shape. Moody's released the report as part of an effort, spurred by investor demand, to examine the creditworthiness of the world's most highly rated countries. There are 17 such "triple-A"-rated countries, ranging from the U.S. to Australia.In both the U.K. and the U.S., Moody's said, much will depend on the vigor of the economic recovery and the willingness of governments to shrink the deficits. Under the most pessimistic scenario put forward by Moody's, the U.S. would lose its top rating in 2013 if economic growth proves anemic, interest rates rise and the government fails to dent the deficit or recover most of its assistance to the financial sector." The idea that the United States of America could lose its AAA rating is utterly amazing. Sovereign ratings are gaining importance as more governments with greater default risk borrow in the international bond markets. While the sovereign ratings are useful to governments seeking market access, the difficulty of assessing sovereign risk has led to agency disagreements and public controversy over specific rating assignments. During yesterday's board meeting, FWP Chairman Truesdell said: "We must stay focused on exposing the hypocritical economic behavior, legislation, and proposals in Washington and Florida. The solution to every economic problem will always center on making more, spending less, and/or adjusting expectations. It's that simple and we have to drum that home to the voters every day from now until the 2010 election. In the meantime, we must encourage voters to vote every day with their pocketbook by saving more, spending less, paying down debt, and becoming fiscally fit to fight the rapidly exploding battle from border-to-border and coast-to-coast for the economic soul of the nation. This is a battle we must not lose."

Pass Health Care - End Slavery?

Senator Reid's comments are disgusting.

If you disagree with Reid you're tagged a radical, racist, or worse. Free speech and civil debate among those with different views in the Senate, House, between and within political parties has sunk to levels that require complete and wholesale change. Keep voting the incumbents in and you can keep watching videos like this. All the hot air isn't accomplishing anything for We the People.
Think About It

Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down

Thumbs up to Paula Dockery (R) who is running for Governor and seeks to control needless spending and thumbs down to J.D. Alexander (R) who appears to have breached his fiduciary and ethical duties and responsibilities to those he represents. Click here for the story from TampaBay.Com

Think About It...Then Tell A Friend

Monday, December 7, 2009

Report: Medicare fraud runs rampant in Miami-Dade

Read this article from the Associated Press. Click Here. Should we fix the existing problems in health care before we allow greater public paid health care?

"Miami-Dade County received about half a billion dollars from Medicare in home health care payments intended for the sickest patients in 2008, which is more than the rest of the country combined, according to a report released Monday. The county accounted for a little more than half the country's claims even though only 2 percent of those patients receiving home health care live here, according to a report by the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General."

Consumer Credit Decrease

The American consumer is the primary force that drives the economy. The news that credit is expected to have shrunk another $9.3 billion in October, marks the ninth month of contraction; this is good news. This is the longest streak of declining consumer credit since data was first compiled in 1943; let's hope this continues. The only way to avoid another boom-bust economy is for the nation to get back to the basics, such as paying as we go and making things that others buy.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Bureau of the Public Debt

Nothing need be said; either you get it or you don't.

Annarumma, McKain, & Schock

Each of the four Florida Whig Candidates will need all the assistance you can give. Regardless of who you are, where you are, or your political experience, these three men are willing to fight the fight for you and I. Here is a list of items you can do:

1. A $10.00 online contribution to each candidate will pay the postage for 105 postcards and dramatically influence 105 households and 210 registered voters.
2. One hour of phone calls from your home or cell phone to a list of highly likely voters will dramatically influence 12 households and 24 registered voters.
3. One hour a week of phone calls from you home or cell phone each week for 40 weeks to a list of highly likely voters will dramatically influence 480 households and 960 registered voters.
4. One supportive letter to the editor of a newspaper in the 2nd, 3rd, or 20th Congressional District will impact and influence 200 voters.
5. One supportive email to your contact list where you request each person to forward your email to their contact list will impact potentially thousands of voters.
6. Four hours of holding a sign for one or more of these three candidates will provide name recognition at a busy intersection to 4,000 voters.

The Florida Whig Party Congressional Candidates need your assistance. and with a minimal amount of effort, you can influence thousands.