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Friday, March 12, 2010

Texting While Driving

A House committee unanimously approved a proposed bill that would ban sending or reading text messages while operating a car or truck. A companion bill has been filed in the Senate. Part-time Governor Charles Joseph Crist said he favors passage. Nineteen states and the District of Columbia have banned texting while driving, and federal Department of Transportation is pressuring other states to join the movement.
The legislation is poorly thought-out,
should never be passed, and will simply add to
legislative clutter.
Click HERE for the rest of the issue; a two page PDF from the Florida Whig Party that outlines in detail the problem and solution.

A non-moving violation? Are you kidding? Sadly, they are not. Just like health care, instead of a simple solution, the Florida Legislature is a monkey-see, monkey-do group that follows their brothers and sisters in Congress by turning to legislative complexity rather than simple modification to an existing law. The only way to fix a broken government is to vote every incumbent out of office in 2010; if you don't, you are the problem. 

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