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Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Courage to Just Say No

Will the TEA party movement supporters give a pass to the Republicans who voted to accept, spend, and build the Sun Rail?

Will TEA party movement supporters give a pass to incumbent Republican Senator John McCain or will they stand behind J.D. Hayworth?
Will "We the People" have Courage to say no to all incumbents?
Or will most collapse under the pressure of being anti-the-other-party?
And have selective memory.
Mavrick:  an independent thinker who refuses to conform to the accepted views on a subject.
Courage:  the ability to face danger, difficulty, uncertainty, or pain without being overcome by fear or being deflected from a chosen course of action
A Mavrick without Courage: A Blow-hard, somebody who boasts but is considered ineffectual.
Mavricks with Courage are Truly Rare
A Crisis in Courage to Do What's Constitutionally Correct
Needed Today More Than Ever
When you swoon over the political flavor of the day, such as Sarah Palin, ask her and all of those in the following states to explain what they did to fix their state pension plans while in office.
 The Pew center said on Wednesday that Alaska, Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey and Oklahoma had, in essence, failed its new test because they made no meaningful progress on keeping their retiree benefit plans sound. The worst case was Illinois, with a $54 billion gap between the cost of the benefits it had promised to pay retirees over the next 30 years and the amount it had set aside.
Courage to tell the incumbents from Alaska, Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, and Oklahoma to go home. Note that New Jersey had couage to toss their big-money, well-connected incumbent out; will the rest of the nation?
The Courage to Just Say No

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