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Monday, February 8, 2010



Did you know that the City Manager of Ft. Lauderdale, George Gretsas had a total compensation package of $315,000 in 2008?

As a point of reference the Mayor of San Francisco was paid $215,000, Boston’s Mayor was paid $175,000, and the Mayor of Chicago was paid $216,000.

A public service employee should be paid appropriately for his or her services; but the key word is appropriatedly. What one person considers appropriate within their peer group is not appropriate within another peer group. The largest peer group is We the People of the United States of America. This large group is preoccupied with the normal routines and activities of daily activity. While we cannot focus our attention on every wrong that exists, we can focus on a few and demand change. Calling out those who let this type of compensation take place is the best place to start.

The Florida Whig Party calls upon the Florida Legislature to pass legislation that requires every state agency, county, and city to report the base salary, overtime, bonus, and cost of all benefits for all employees. This information must be made available upon request for a nominal fee (within the laws governing public records requests) and online without cost and with the ability to be downloaded into a spreadsheet format for individual resident and voter analysis.

The time has come for We the People to know who is being paid and how much through an easy to use online program.

The FWP believes if total compensation was fully disclosed, future elections will result in many incumbents being voted out of office when an empowered electorate is fully informed.

Think About It
This Should Be MAJOR Issue

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