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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Annarumma, McKain, & Schock

Each of the four Florida Whig Candidates will need all the assistance you can give. Regardless of who you are, where you are, or your political experience, these three men are willing to fight the fight for you and I. Here is a list of items you can do:

1. A $10.00 online contribution to each candidate will pay the postage for 105 postcards and dramatically influence 105 households and 210 registered voters.
2. One hour of phone calls from your home or cell phone to a list of highly likely voters will dramatically influence 12 households and 24 registered voters.
3. One hour a week of phone calls from you home or cell phone each week for 40 weeks to a list of highly likely voters will dramatically influence 480 households and 960 registered voters.
4. One supportive letter to the editor of a newspaper in the 2nd, 3rd, or 20th Congressional District will impact and influence 200 voters.
5. One supportive email to your contact list where you request each person to forward your email to their contact list will impact potentially thousands of voters.
6. Four hours of holding a sign for one or more of these three candidates will provide name recognition at a busy intersection to 4,000 voters.

The Florida Whig Party Congressional Candidates need your assistance. and with a minimal amount of effort, you can influence thousands.

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